Our Brand
Tone of Voice
Design Principles
Mixed Media

Design Principles

The principles that the KOHO brand lives by.


We like to keep things simple and easy to understand so we always design with our users in mind. We’re approachable, and want to get our point across clearly, so we make sure to reflect this with every element in our toolkit.
Legible | Simple | Approachable


We want people to remember KOHO, so we want our design to pack a punch. We do this with proper design hierarchy, curated colour pairings, and bold photography.
Fun | Striking | Graphic


We like to create and design thoughtfully, with purpose and aesthetic appeal. We’re all about the harmony of function and beauty. Our design should be what reels people in, then our message should keep them there.
Cohesive | Engaging | Thoughtful

This brand expression guide should be used in conjunction with other more specific guides around each element of our brand.

© 2023 KOHO. All rights reserved.
